European Science Editing 49: e114977, doi: 10.3897/ese.2023.e114977
Enhancing scientific publishing: automatic conversion to JATS XML
expand article infoLjiljana Jertec Musap
‡ SRCE - University of Zagreb University Computing Centre, Zagreb, Croatia
Open Access
JATS XML (Journal Article Tag Suite) is an XML-based format used for publishing scholarly content. It has multiple advantages over traditional publishing methods but faces adoption challenges due to the need for relatively expensive tools and/or manual work. In 2023, the HRČAK Portal’s team enabled automatic full-text con-version from DOCX to JATS XML which does not require prior knowledge of XML nor additional tools. Created JATS facilitates content and reference mining as well as transformation to HTML. It also improves cross-device compatibility and produces interactive links for an enhanced reading experience.
DOCX conversion, full-text JATS XML, HRČAK, Journal Article Tag Suite, open formats