V. A. Ermolaev, N. N. Yashalova, A. V. Scherbina, D. A. Ruban (2024)
Bibliographic Database As a Tool for the Scientific Approach to the Solution of a Task of Socio-Economic Development: the Example of River Tourism.
Scientific and Technical Information Processing51: 115.
DOI: 10.3103/S0147688224700035
Daria Maltseva, Irina Pavlova, Lika Kapustina, Vasilisa Vashchenko, Dalibor Fiala (2024)
Comparative analysis of the capabilities of WoS and eLibrary for analyzing bibliographic networks.
Sociology: methodology, methods, mathematical modeling (Sociology: 4M)29: 7.
DOI: 10.19181/4m.2023.32.1.1
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